Hans Memling. Viimne kohtupäev. Triptühhon, 1467–1471. Rahvusmuuseum Gdańskis
Niguliste muuseum, Püha Vaimu kirik
Algus k.p.:
Lõpp k.p.:
3. ja 5. detsembril toimuvad Bernt Notke seminari ja töötoa raames Niguliste muuseumis ja Püha Vaimu kirikus avalikud loengud, kuhu on oodatud kõik huvilised.
Teisipäev, 3. detsember kell 17.00-18.00
Beata Možejko (Gdanski ülikool) ja Oskar Rojewski (Sileesia ülikool Katowices):
“A Happy accident for Poland…” – The Last Judgement of Hans Memling in Gdańsk
The Triptych of the Last Judgement is one of the earliest artworks by Hans Memling, and many researchers have discussed its story and style. The painting, currently in the National Museum of Gdańsk, was commissioned by Angelo di Jacopo Tani and was intended for the chapel of the Badia Fiesolana church near Florence. In 1473, due to the seizure of the ship carrying the painting by the privateer Paul Beneke, the artwork never arrived at its intended destiny. The triptych was placed in the Brotherhood of St. George Chapel in St. Mary’s Church in Gdańsk.
This paper aims to explain the details of the seizure of the Triptych of the Last Judgement based on archival research, its place within Memling’s oeuvre, the reception of Memling’s work in the Pomeranian region and recent historiographical discussions about the artwork. The presentation provides not only the background of Notke’s time but also can serve as a comparative case study for the overseas visual culture reception. Additionally, this study explains the preventive conservation opportunities for Memling’s painting in Gdańsk and its Baltic contexts to be tackled in the future.
Neljapäev, 5. detsember kell 17.00-18.00
Anja Rasche ja Kerstin Petermann (Netzwerk Kunst und Kultur der Hansestädte):
Notke versus Rode – Reflections between Genius and Craftsman
Loengud toimuvad inglise keeles.
Projekti “Ülikoolide koostöö doktoriõppe edendamisel“ (2021-2027.4.04.24-0003) kaasrahastab Euroopa Liit.