Algus k.p.:
Lõpp k.p.:
Olete oodatud Francesco Rosso isikunäituse “Peegelduses” avamisele kolmapäeval, 18. septembril 17.00, EKA G-s, Estonia pst 7 / Teatri väljak 1.
We kindly invite you to the vernissage of Francesco Rosso’s solo exhibition In Mirror on Wednesday, the 18th of September at 5 p.m in EKA G Estonia pst 7 / Teatri väljak 1, Tallinn. (Please scroll down for further information in English)
Francesco Rosso on Eesti Kunstiakadeemia animatsiooni osakonna teise aasta magistrand. Sündinud Põhja-Itaalias Paduas, õppis ta esmalt elektriinseneriks, mille järel pühendas end kunstile. 2010 aastal lõpetas ta Veneetsia Arhitektuuriinstituudi IUAVE-e kunstide osakonna. Alates 2008. aastast on Rosso iseõppijana katsetanud erinevaid võimalusi õlivärvidega maalimisel. Viimasel kolmel aastal on ta maalikunsti, analoogfotograafiat ning joonistamist kombineerides püüdnud luua enesele omast visuaalset keelt. Hetkel on tal magistritööna käsil kaks animeeritud lühifilmi, milles kohtuvad erisugused tehnilised võtted nagu maalikunst, joonis- ja nukufilm, stopp-kaader animatsioon ning eksperimendid valguse ning objektiividega.
Rosso maalikunsti võiks ennekõike iseloomustada läbi selle soovi ja võime luua vaatajat ammutav atmosfäär. Nii Eestis kui Itaalias maalitud teosed ei piirdu oma raamidega, vaid valguvad ruumis laiali, avades ehk vaataja, kuid sulgedes see-eest mõned teised teed.
Näitus jääb avatuks 26. septembrini. EKA G on kõigile avatud E-P 10-17.
Pressiteate koostasid Gregor Taul ja Francesco Rosso
Information in English:
Francesco Rosso is a second year master student at the animation department in the Estonian Academy of Arts. He was born and raised in the countryside near Padua and has developed since childhood interest in the figure. He spent five years in Electrical Engineering and Automation (graduated in 2006) and then devoted to art, graduating cum laude in Visual and Performing Arts at the Architecture Institute of Venice IUAV (2010). In 2008 after a period of study and practice of painting at Hacettepe Üniversitesi of Ankara (Turkey) he began to paint on canvas and wooden panels using oils and also got into analog photography. In seeking to make his own figurative language he experimented with different styles ending up with a specific imaginary. In the last three years he has been working with photography, paint and illustration jumping between figurative and abstract visions. Rosso is currently making two animation short-films using different techniques as oil paint under the camera, drawn animation, stop-motion with puppets and experiments with old lenses and light.
Rosso’s paintings may be described by their wish and ability to produce a certain all-embracing atmosphere. Painted both in Estonia and Italy these canvases stretch further than its frames, flowing all around the room, perhaps enchanting viewers, but potentially disenchanting some other spatial relations.
Press release written by Gregor Taul and Francesco Rosso
The exhibition will close on the 26th of September. EKA G is open daily from 10 a.m to 5 p.m.