Akadeemiline kalender
26.08.2013 — 02.09.2013
Akadeemiliste puhkuste (omal soovil) avalduste esitamine õppeosakonnale koos erialaosakonna kooskõlastusega
Lisa sisutekst
Akadeemiliste puhkuste (omal soovil) avalduste esitamine õppeosakonnale koos erialaosakonna kooskõlastusega
Esmaspäev 26 august, 2013 — Esmaspäev 02 september, 2013
Lisa sisutekst
Üliõpilase staatuse fikseerimine ÕIS-is
Lisa sisutekst
Üliõpilase staatuse fikseerimine ÕIS-is
Reede 23 august, 2013
Lisa sisutekst
Kevadsemestri BA, MA, PhD hindamisprotokollide kinnitamise tähtaeg ÕIS-is
Lisa sisutekst
Kevadsemestri BA, MA, PhD hindamisprotokollide kinnitamise tähtaeg ÕIS-is
Kolmapäev 21 august, 2013
Lisa sisutekst
Doktorant Tüüne-Kristin Vaikla näituse eelretsenseerimine
Reedel, 12. juulil algusega kell 12.00 toimub Hiiumaal, Paluküla kirikus kunsti ja disaini eriala doktorant Tüüne-Kristin Vaikla doktoritöö loomingulise osa juurde kuuluva kolmanda näituse eelretsenseerimine.
Doktoritöö juhendaja on prof dr Mart Kalm, konsultant prof dr Ranulph Glanville
Näituse eelretsensendid prof dr Lilian Hansar ja Tom Callebaut.
Käesolevale kuulutusele on lisatud ka 9.-13. juulil toimuva workshopi ajakava, mille üks osa on eelretsenseerimisüritus.
Hiiumaa praamigraafikutega on võimalik tutvuda: http://tuulelaevad.ee/index.php?option=com_tuulelaevad&Itemid=12&lang=et
Näitus Housewarming/ Soolaleivapidu elustab hüljatud kirikuhoone ning uurib, kuidas suhestub sellega kohalik kogukond. Eestis muutis nõukogude režiim kirikuhooned ladudeks, spordisaalideks ja töökodadeks. Tänaseks on paljud neist kogudustele tagastatud ja restaureeritud, siiski on kirikulisi vähe. Pea kõikjal maailmas kogudused likvideeruvad ja hüljatud kirikuhooned võetakse kasutusele uues funktsioonis – ööklubide, kodude, restoranide, büroodena, jms. Näituse eesmärk on kasutada hüljatud kirikuhoonet kui laborit, et protsessi käigus luua erinevaid ruumielamusi ning analüüsida uusi tähendusi tajude ja aistingute kaasabil. Kas endiste pühamute pragmaatilisel ümbermõtestamisel on tabusid, mis on kaasaegsele inimesele püha?
On Friday, July 12th, 2013 the opening of the exhibition Housewarming will be held. This site-specific project will re-vitalize an abandoned church and research how the local community communicates with the event. The Soviet regime converted church buildings in Estonia into warehouses, sports facilities and workshops after World War II. Many of these buildings have been returned to their congregations and restored by now but there are, unfortunately, few churchgoers. Congregations are dying out practically everywhere throughout the world and abandoned church buildings are being utilized for new functions – as nightclubs, private houses, restaurants, offices, etc. The aim of this exhibition is to use this abandoned church building as a laboratory in order to create different spatial experiences in the course of the process and to analyse new meanings with the aid of perceptions and sensations. Are there taboos that are sacred to contemporary people in the functional reinterpretation of former sanctuaries?
Doktorant Tüüne-Kristin Vaikla näituse eelretsenseerimine
Reede 12 juuli, 2013
Reedel, 12. juulil algusega kell 12.00 toimub Hiiumaal, Paluküla kirikus kunsti ja disaini eriala doktorant Tüüne-Kristin Vaikla doktoritöö loomingulise osa juurde kuuluva kolmanda näituse eelretsenseerimine.
Doktoritöö juhendaja on prof dr Mart Kalm, konsultant prof dr Ranulph Glanville
Näituse eelretsensendid prof dr Lilian Hansar ja Tom Callebaut.
Käesolevale kuulutusele on lisatud ka 9.-13. juulil toimuva workshopi ajakava, mille üks osa on eelretsenseerimisüritus.
Hiiumaa praamigraafikutega on võimalik tutvuda: http://tuulelaevad.ee/index.php?option=com_tuulelaevad&Itemid=12&lang=et
Näitus Housewarming/ Soolaleivapidu elustab hüljatud kirikuhoone ning uurib, kuidas suhestub sellega kohalik kogukond. Eestis muutis nõukogude režiim kirikuhooned ladudeks, spordisaalideks ja töökodadeks. Tänaseks on paljud neist kogudustele tagastatud ja restaureeritud, siiski on kirikulisi vähe. Pea kõikjal maailmas kogudused likvideeruvad ja hüljatud kirikuhooned võetakse kasutusele uues funktsioonis – ööklubide, kodude, restoranide, büroodena, jms. Näituse eesmärk on kasutada hüljatud kirikuhoonet kui laborit, et protsessi käigus luua erinevaid ruumielamusi ning analüüsida uusi tähendusi tajude ja aistingute kaasabil. Kas endiste pühamute pragmaatilisel ümbermõtestamisel on tabusid, mis on kaasaegsele inimesele püha?
On Friday, July 12th, 2013 the opening of the exhibition Housewarming will be held. This site-specific project will re-vitalize an abandoned church and research how the local community communicates with the event. The Soviet regime converted church buildings in Estonia into warehouses, sports facilities and workshops after World War II. Many of these buildings have been returned to their congregations and restored by now but there are, unfortunately, few churchgoers. Congregations are dying out practically everywhere throughout the world and abandoned church buildings are being utilized for new functions – as nightclubs, private houses, restaurants, offices, etc. The aim of this exhibition is to use this abandoned church building as a laboratory in order to create different spatial experiences in the course of the process and to analyse new meanings with the aid of perceptions and sensations. Are there taboos that are sacred to contemporary people in the functional reinterpretation of former sanctuaries?
Kunsti ja disaini õppekava doktorant Varvara Guljajeva väitekirja “Unaware Participation in Art” juurde kuuluva loomingulise tegevuse eelretsenseerimine 13. juunil!
Neljapäeval, 13. juunil algusega kell 17.00 toimub Estonia pst 7 õppehoone ruumis 405 (IV korrusel) kunsti ja disaini eriala doktorant Varvara Guljajeva väitekirja “Unaware Participation in Art” juurde kuuluva loomingulise tegevuse eelretsenseerimine.
Doktoritöö juhendaja on prof dr Raivo Kelomees, projekti eelretsensendid on Pau Waelder, MA ja dr Heie Treier.
Kunstitöö põhjalik kataloog asub siin: http://mcanet.infofiles/catalogue_baltic_sea_radio_op.pdf
Olete oodatud kuulama!
Baltic Sea Radio (2012)
Authors: Varvara Guljajeva & Mar Canet Sola
The artwork was the part of Baltic Goes Digital exhibition organized by Art Line Project that took place in the Gdansk City Gallery in Gdansk, Poland (14.09-04.11.12).
Baltic Sea Radio was one of the three winning works of Baltic Goes Digital contest.
Baltic Sea Radio is an art project that makes use of the Baltic Sea traffic for artistic purposes and offers a novel sonic experience to the audience. The artwork reflects the local ships’ movements in real-time and applies marine traffic as a score of a sound composition. The boats that can be reached by the AIS-receiver, which is installed in Sopot right on the coast of Baltic Sea, are affecting and determining the score of the soundwork in real-time. Hence, the artists have given away the control over the sound composition to the marine data. In other words, the sound work is in a constant flux and relates to current activity of Gdansk Bay. It means, one could listen to the voice of local sea, and imagine the movement and activity of it.
The artwork uses unaware participation concept developed by the artists through their past works, which applies certain human or animal activity for artistic purposes without awareness of the subject in real-time. It means, the artwork is based on daily life events at the moment. In the case of Baltic Sea Radio, the sound installation is affected by the ships’ movement in Gdansk Bay in real-time. Thus, the artwork aims to draw on everyday life and invite the audience to rediscover reality in unusual way, rather than to be an auto-reflective piece of art.
Baltic Sea Radio goes beyond gallery space. It expands over 3 spaces: the receiving station on the coast of Gdansk Bay, the listening and visual installation in the gallery, and virtual space in the form of online radio stream. Hence, the work cannot be seen just as a sonic one because it interacts with different spaces and has it’s visual and experiential elements besides the sonic part. It is important to mention that as visual artists we have approached sound as a visual material and tried to give a texture to the composition elements. In addition to that, we are not talking about sonification of marine data, because the data do not correspond directly to certain parameters in the software but rather determines the score, the characteristics and activity of used sonic textures or instruments created in PureData program.
Concerning technical realization, an AIS-receiver was used for receiving the marine traffic. This device has 50 nautical miles of reachability. It constitutes, the receiver has to be placed on the spot that has a view on sea. Hence, the AIS-receiver was placed on the coast of Gdansk Bay in Sopot where in average 40 – 100 ships could be reached and applied as a source for composition. There was installed also a computer that makes sense of received data, decrypts it and forwards to the second computer that is located in the exhibition space in Gdansk City Gallery. The listening station is also the place where real-time sound composition is generated. The soundwork uses Pure Data software for electronic sound composition purposes and also for receiving decoded marine data from another machine. Moreover, from the gallery space is realized also the broadcast of Baltic Sea Radio online.
In terms of visual presentation in the gallery space, the audience is invited to take a seat in the half-boat and experience the real-time composition of Baltic Sea. The listening station is made out of old fishing boat that was cut into two pieces, equipped with a seat, computer and headphones.
Kunsti ja disaini õppekava doktorant Varvara Guljajeva väitekirja “Unaware Participation in Art” juurde kuuluva loomingulise tegevuse eelretsenseerimine 13. juunil!
Neljapäev 13 juuni, 2013
Neljapäeval, 13. juunil algusega kell 17.00 toimub Estonia pst 7 õppehoone ruumis 405 (IV korrusel) kunsti ja disaini eriala doktorant Varvara Guljajeva väitekirja “Unaware Participation in Art” juurde kuuluva loomingulise tegevuse eelretsenseerimine.
Doktoritöö juhendaja on prof dr Raivo Kelomees, projekti eelretsensendid on Pau Waelder, MA ja dr Heie Treier.
Kunstitöö põhjalik kataloog asub siin: http://mcanet.infofiles/catalogue_baltic_sea_radio_op.pdf
Olete oodatud kuulama!
Baltic Sea Radio (2012)
Authors: Varvara Guljajeva & Mar Canet Sola
The artwork was the part of Baltic Goes Digital exhibition organized by Art Line Project that took place in the Gdansk City Gallery in Gdansk, Poland (14.09-04.11.12).
Baltic Sea Radio was one of the three winning works of Baltic Goes Digital contest.
Baltic Sea Radio is an art project that makes use of the Baltic Sea traffic for artistic purposes and offers a novel sonic experience to the audience. The artwork reflects the local ships’ movements in real-time and applies marine traffic as a score of a sound composition. The boats that can be reached by the AIS-receiver, which is installed in Sopot right on the coast of Baltic Sea, are affecting and determining the score of the soundwork in real-time. Hence, the artists have given away the control over the sound composition to the marine data. In other words, the sound work is in a constant flux and relates to current activity of Gdansk Bay. It means, one could listen to the voice of local sea, and imagine the movement and activity of it.
The artwork uses unaware participation concept developed by the artists through their past works, which applies certain human or animal activity for artistic purposes without awareness of the subject in real-time. It means, the artwork is based on daily life events at the moment. In the case of Baltic Sea Radio, the sound installation is affected by the ships’ movement in Gdansk Bay in real-time. Thus, the artwork aims to draw on everyday life and invite the audience to rediscover reality in unusual way, rather than to be an auto-reflective piece of art.
Baltic Sea Radio goes beyond gallery space. It expands over 3 spaces: the receiving station on the coast of Gdansk Bay, the listening and visual installation in the gallery, and virtual space in the form of online radio stream. Hence, the work cannot be seen just as a sonic one because it interacts with different spaces and has it’s visual and experiential elements besides the sonic part. It is important to mention that as visual artists we have approached sound as a visual material and tried to give a texture to the composition elements. In addition to that, we are not talking about sonification of marine data, because the data do not correspond directly to certain parameters in the software but rather determines the score, the characteristics and activity of used sonic textures or instruments created in PureData program.
Concerning technical realization, an AIS-receiver was used for receiving the marine traffic. This device has 50 nautical miles of reachability. It constitutes, the receiver has to be placed on the spot that has a view on sea. Hence, the AIS-receiver was placed on the coast of Gdansk Bay in Sopot where in average 40 – 100 ships could be reached and applied as a source for composition. There was installed also a computer that makes sense of received data, decrypts it and forwards to the second computer that is located in the exhibition space in Gdansk City Gallery. The listening station is also the place where real-time sound composition is generated. The soundwork uses Pure Data software for electronic sound composition purposes and also for receiving decoded marine data from another machine. Moreover, from the gallery space is realized also the broadcast of Baltic Sea Radio online.
In terms of visual presentation in the gallery space, the audience is invited to take a seat in the half-boat and experience the real-time composition of Baltic Sea. The listening station is made out of old fishing boat that was cut into two pieces, equipped with a seat, computer and headphones.
Fotograafia eriala BA kaitsmised 10. juunil!
EKA fotoosakonna BA portfooliote kaitsmine toimub esmaspäeval 10. juunil algusega kell 14.00 Rüütelkonna ruumis 201
Fotograafia eriala BA kaitsmised 10. juunil!
Esmaspäev 10 juuni, 2013
EKA fotoosakonna BA portfooliote kaitsmine toimub esmaspäeval 10. juunil algusega kell 14.00 Rüütelkonna ruumis 201
Klaasikunsti BA portfooliote kaitsmine 12. juunil!
Klaasikunsti osakonna bakalaureuseõppe lõpetajate portfooliote avalik esitlus toimub 12. juunil algusega kell 11.00
Estonia pst 7 ruumis 245.
Olete oodatud!
Klaasikunsti BA portfooliote kaitsmine 12. juunil!
Kolmapäev 12 juuni, 2013
Klaasikunsti osakonna bakalaureuseõppe lõpetajate portfooliote avalik esitlus toimub 12. juunil algusega kell 11.00
Estonia pst 7 ruumis 245.
Olete oodatud!
Ehte- ja sepakunsti eriala BA portfooliote kaitsmine 11. juunil!
Ehte-ja sepakunsti eriala BA portfooliote kaitsmine toimub
teisipäeval, 11.juunil kell 12
Tallinna Ülikooli ruumis A325 (sissepääs Narva mnt 7, uue peamaja Astra uksest).
Hindamiskomisjoni koosseis: prof Kadri Mälk, prof Tanel Veenre, dots Heigo Jelle, dots Piret Hirv, õp Rait Siska, Eve Margus-Villems ning välisliige Andrus Laansalu
`LUIGE TIIK` alates kella 19
Kadriorus, Peeter I Majamuuseumi tagusel aasal.
Kavas selle aasta BA ja MA lõpetajate pärgamine, kõned,
söök ja jook…
Olete oodatud!
Ehte- ja sepakunsti eriala BA portfooliote kaitsmine 11. juunil!
Teisipäev 11 juuni, 2013
Ehte-ja sepakunsti eriala BA portfooliote kaitsmine toimub
teisipäeval, 11.juunil kell 12
Tallinna Ülikooli ruumis A325 (sissepääs Narva mnt 7, uue peamaja Astra uksest).
Hindamiskomisjoni koosseis: prof Kadri Mälk, prof Tanel Veenre, dots Heigo Jelle, dots Piret Hirv, õp Rait Siska, Eve Margus-Villems ning välisliige Andrus Laansalu
`LUIGE TIIK` alates kella 19
Kadriorus, Peeter I Majamuuseumi tagusel aasal.
Kavas selle aasta BA ja MA lõpetajate pärgamine, kõned,
söök ja jook…
Olete oodatud!