Rubriik: Urbanistika




A lecture by Stalker—Osservatorio Nomade (Rome, Italy)

Stalker is a collective of architects and researchers connected to the Roma Tre University who came together in the mid-1990s. In 2002, Stalker founded the research network Osservatorio Nomade (ON), which consists of architects, artists, activists and researchers working experimentally and engaging in actions to create self-organised spaces and situations.

Stalker have developed a specific methodology of urban research, using participative tools to construct a ‘collective imaginary’ for a place. In particular they have developed the method of collective walking to ‘actuate territories’, which for them is a process of bringing space into being. Stalker carry out their walks in the ‘indeterminate’ or void spaces of the city, which have long been disregarded or considered a problem in traditional architectural practice. Referring to their walking practice as ‘transurbance’, the group views it as a collective mode of expression and a tool for mapping the city and its transformations, of gathering stories, evoking memories and experiences, and immersing themselves with others in a place. They use this knowledge and experience to address urban planning and territorial issues, focusing especially on the interstices of the contemporary city-region. Starting with the edges of the Tiber river on the outskirts of Rome, Stalker have since used this method in many other cities including Milan, Paris, Berlin and Turin.

Giulia Fiocca

Architect, indipendent researcher and activist on urban and social trasformation focusing on the marginal realities and communities, leftover spaces, informal urbanism and self-organised social and cultural practices. Based in Rome. Studies among Rome, Vienna and Barcelona (Master ‘Metropolis’ in Architecture and Urban Culture at UPC). Since 2006 part of Stalker/Osservatorio Nomade partecipating several projects: Campagnaromana (2006), Rieres//Rambles in Barcelona (2006), Campus Rom: learning from Roma people and back (Rome, Serbia and Macedonia) (2006-08). Since 2009 promoting with Lorenzo Romito Primaveraromana, a Common Design Project for Social Chance in Rome. Visiting professor at architecture faculty, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale (2010). Co-founder of Stalker Walking School (2012).

Lorenzo Romito

Indipendent researcher on urban changes, artist and activist.Architect (1997), prix de Rome, Academie de France, Villa Medici, Rome (2000-1). Co -founder of Stalker in 1995 (, Osservatorio Nomade in 2001 (, Primaveraromana in 2009 ( Stalker Walking School in 2012 ( Under those firms the work has been exposed and published worldwide.

Teaching experiences, walks, seminars and workshops with several schools including T.U. Delft, I.U.A.V. Venezia, H.E.A.D. Geneve, Parsons, the New School of Design New York, H.F.G. Karlsruhe, E.T.H. Zurich, Roma Tre Univ.

Aldo Innocenzi, was born in 1964 in Rome, where he lives and works. In 1995 he was among the founders of Stalker / ON. His work is centered on the creation of situations, which may favor changes in the urban fabric. Through strategies of participatory planning, his work re-qualifies spaces, relations and political practice.

Among his works: Stalker attraverso i territori dell’attuale (Roma,1995), Ararat-Campo Boario (Roma, 1999-2002), Immaginare Corviale (Roma, 2004-2006), Savorengo ker(Roma, 2008-2009), Museo Relazionale (Genazzano, 2012).

Pia Livia Di Tardo

Designer for public communications, specializing in graphic arts and visual communications. Di Tardo has a Law degree, and a Master’s degree in Multimedia Design from IED in Rome. She is Coordinator for public communications and web design for the Strategic Plan for the Metropolis and Region of Bari, Puglia, Italy.

Visual-graphic and web designer for the Laboratory of Urban Art Stalker / ON Rome, collaborated with the Faculty of Architecture of Roma Tre, the University IUAV of Venice (Arts and Design) and in the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome and Frosinone.

Postitas Anu Piirisild — Püsilink


Neljapäev 29 oktoober, 2015


A lecture by Stalker—Osservatorio Nomade (Rome, Italy)

Stalker is a collective of architects and researchers connected to the Roma Tre University who came together in the mid-1990s. In 2002, Stalker founded the research network Osservatorio Nomade (ON), which consists of architects, artists, activists and researchers working experimentally and engaging in actions to create self-organised spaces and situations.

Stalker have developed a specific methodology of urban research, using participative tools to construct a ‘collective imaginary’ for a place. In particular they have developed the method of collective walking to ‘actuate territories’, which for them is a process of bringing space into being. Stalker carry out their walks in the ‘indeterminate’ or void spaces of the city, which have long been disregarded or considered a problem in traditional architectural practice. Referring to their walking practice as ‘transurbance’, the group views it as a collective mode of expression and a tool for mapping the city and its transformations, of gathering stories, evoking memories and experiences, and immersing themselves with others in a place. They use this knowledge and experience to address urban planning and territorial issues, focusing especially on the interstices of the contemporary city-region. Starting with the edges of the Tiber river on the outskirts of Rome, Stalker have since used this method in many other cities including Milan, Paris, Berlin and Turin.

Giulia Fiocca

Architect, indipendent researcher and activist on urban and social trasformation focusing on the marginal realities and communities, leftover spaces, informal urbanism and self-organised social and cultural practices. Based in Rome. Studies among Rome, Vienna and Barcelona (Master ‘Metropolis’ in Architecture and Urban Culture at UPC). Since 2006 part of Stalker/Osservatorio Nomade partecipating several projects: Campagnaromana (2006), Rieres//Rambles in Barcelona (2006), Campus Rom: learning from Roma people and back (Rome, Serbia and Macedonia) (2006-08). Since 2009 promoting with Lorenzo Romito Primaveraromana, a Common Design Project for Social Chance in Rome. Visiting professor at architecture faculty, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale (2010). Co-founder of Stalker Walking School (2012).

Lorenzo Romito

Indipendent researcher on urban changes, artist and activist.Architect (1997), prix de Rome, Academie de France, Villa Medici, Rome (2000-1). Co -founder of Stalker in 1995 (, Osservatorio Nomade in 2001 (, Primaveraromana in 2009 ( Stalker Walking School in 2012 ( Under those firms the work has been exposed and published worldwide.

Teaching experiences, walks, seminars and workshops with several schools including T.U. Delft, I.U.A.V. Venezia, H.E.A.D. Geneve, Parsons, the New School of Design New York, H.F.G. Karlsruhe, E.T.H. Zurich, Roma Tre Univ.

Aldo Innocenzi, was born in 1964 in Rome, where he lives and works. In 1995 he was among the founders of Stalker / ON. His work is centered on the creation of situations, which may favor changes in the urban fabric. Through strategies of participatory planning, his work re-qualifies spaces, relations and political practice.

Among his works: Stalker attraverso i territori dell’attuale (Roma,1995), Ararat-Campo Boario (Roma, 1999-2002), Immaginare Corviale (Roma, 2004-2006), Savorengo ker(Roma, 2008-2009), Museo Relazionale (Genazzano, 2012).

Pia Livia Di Tardo

Designer for public communications, specializing in graphic arts and visual communications. Di Tardo has a Law degree, and a Master’s degree in Multimedia Design from IED in Rome. She is Coordinator for public communications and web design for the Strategic Plan for the Metropolis and Region of Bari, Puglia, Italy.

Visual-graphic and web designer for the Laboratory of Urban Art Stalker / ON Rome, collaborated with the Faculty of Architecture of Roma Tre, the University IUAV of Venice (Arts and Design) and in the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome and Frosinone.

Postitas Anu Piirisild — Püsilink


“Futures of the past, pasts of the future” | final presentation of the Urban Studies studio | Dec 10 (Tue), 17.00 | Pikk 20

Dear friends, colleagues,

I would like to invite you to the final presentation of the Futures of the past, pasts of the future: the politics of the old in a contemporary city, three-month-long research studio that took place in the autumn term as part of the second year curriculum of the Urban Studies’ master program at the Faculty of Architecture, Estonian Academy of Arts.

The presentation will take place on December 10th (Tuesday) at 17.00 in the premises of the Faculty of Architecture at Pikk 20, Tallinn.

Some of the questions we asked in the studio are the following. What are the discourses, practices and technologies of heritage and millieu production? What are the strategies of legitimizing architectural values, the old ones and the new ones? Whose memories are invested in everyday spaces? How do representations of spaces on centre and on periphery, and the very concepts of centrality and peripherality, change throughout the history?

Four student projects will be presented:

In her study Post-socialist movements of Lenin: travels around Estonia, Raina Lillepõld carefully documents removal and relocation of statues of Lenin and Stalin in Estonian cities in the years after (and, surprisingly, already before) the breakup of the Soviet Union. Raina complements her study with a set of schemes that compare the design layout of the places before and after the removal of statues.

Maria Derlõš’s contribution UNESCO and Tallinn’s Old Town: acting at a distance uncovers the politics of preservation of this global organization and its interplay with local actors. Maria studies initiatives that preceded the accession of the year 1996 and identifies the main initiatives and ‘causes’ that UNESCO launched during the last one and a half decade.

Pille Koppel’s work The imaginary spaces of Tallinn’s housing estates: films and milieux focuses on the images and representations of Tallinn’s Mustamäe, Lasnamäe and Väike-Õismäe. These are, firstly, found in the output of fourty years of cinematic representation of these districts, and secondly, in the narrative strategies mobilized (or not yet) in the process of turning these districts into milieu areas.

Eventually, Andra Aaloe, in her contribution Between bogs and villas: the ruins of socialism and capitalism in Pääsküla, presents a remarkable historical ethnography of a seemingly unremarkable site in Tallinn’s periphery. The work uncovers dreams and failures of the ‘transition period’ written in the historical trajectory of the site wedged between forest bogs and single-family houses of Pääsküla.

The presentation is public and it will last for about 2 hours. After the presentation, time is reserved for questions from the audience.

You are welcome!

Postitas Gregor Taul — Püsilink

“Futures of the past, pasts of the future” | final presentation of the Urban Studies studio | Dec 10 (Tue), 17.00 | Pikk 20

Teisipäev 17 detsember, 2013

Dear friends, colleagues,

I would like to invite you to the final presentation of the Futures of the past, pasts of the future: the politics of the old in a contemporary city, three-month-long research studio that took place in the autumn term as part of the second year curriculum of the Urban Studies’ master program at the Faculty of Architecture, Estonian Academy of Arts.

The presentation will take place on December 10th (Tuesday) at 17.00 in the premises of the Faculty of Architecture at Pikk 20, Tallinn.

Some of the questions we asked in the studio are the following. What are the discourses, practices and technologies of heritage and millieu production? What are the strategies of legitimizing architectural values, the old ones and the new ones? Whose memories are invested in everyday spaces? How do representations of spaces on centre and on periphery, and the very concepts of centrality and peripherality, change throughout the history?

Four student projects will be presented:

In her study Post-socialist movements of Lenin: travels around Estonia, Raina Lillepõld carefully documents removal and relocation of statues of Lenin and Stalin in Estonian cities in the years after (and, surprisingly, already before) the breakup of the Soviet Union. Raina complements her study with a set of schemes that compare the design layout of the places before and after the removal of statues.

Maria Derlõš’s contribution UNESCO and Tallinn’s Old Town: acting at a distance uncovers the politics of preservation of this global organization and its interplay with local actors. Maria studies initiatives that preceded the accession of the year 1996 and identifies the main initiatives and ‘causes’ that UNESCO launched during the last one and a half decade.

Pille Koppel’s work The imaginary spaces of Tallinn’s housing estates: films and milieux focuses on the images and representations of Tallinn’s Mustamäe, Lasnamäe and Väike-Õismäe. These are, firstly, found in the output of fourty years of cinematic representation of these districts, and secondly, in the narrative strategies mobilized (or not yet) in the process of turning these districts into milieu areas.

Eventually, Andra Aaloe, in her contribution Between bogs and villas: the ruins of socialism and capitalism in Pääsküla, presents a remarkable historical ethnography of a seemingly unremarkable site in Tallinn’s periphery. The work uncovers dreams and failures of the ‘transition period’ written in the historical trajectory of the site wedged between forest bogs and single-family houses of Pääsküla.

The presentation is public and it will last for about 2 hours. After the presentation, time is reserved for questions from the audience.

You are welcome!

Postitas Gregor Taul — Püsilink


Avatud loeng / Open lecture: 2.mail – Thibault Schwartz – LHV saalis

EKA arhitektuuriteaduskonna avatud loengute sarjas esineb sel neljapäeval Thibault Schwartz – HAL
Loeng toimub 2.mail kell 19.00 LHV panga saalis (Tartu mnt 2)

Automating Design // Designing Automation”

Through a retrospective analysis of some of the personal research conducted during the last 3 years on algorithmic design and its limitations, this lecture focuses on the linguistic connections promoting human-machine collaborations and their application to architectural design. In addition to these personal projects, a part of this presentation will be dedicated to short-term results of computer programming and industrial robot programming courses conducted in various European architecture schools.


Thibault Schwartz is a young architect based in Paris. He explores the evolution of architectural design practices in relation to generative algorithms and automated fabrication processes. Working in close collaboration with EZCT Architecture & Design Research, he is currently developing several hardware and software tools for robot-assisted construction and design. The “HAL Robot Programming & Control” plugin for ABB robots programming via Grasshopper is part of these tools. Paying particular attention to the development of industrial manufacturing strategies applied to architectural projects, he is attached to a systematic prototyping exercise aiming to complete and evaluate digital experiments. As a teacher, he has been sharing the knowledge gained from these experiments in international events such as Advances in Architectural Geometry and RobArch, and in several European schools of architecture and design such as TU Wien (Wien), the Berlage Institute (Rotterdam), the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris-Malaquais (Paris), the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Création Industrielle (Paris), the Institut für Experimentelle Architektur (Innsbruck), and the Bartlett School of Architecture (London).
Töötuba Bartletti arhitektuurikoolis Londonis, pildil üliõpilaste kavandatud ja ehitatud võlvjas sõrestikkonstruktsioon. Thibault Schwartz, 2013.
Lisatud intervjuu Thibault Schwartz’ga Müürilehe märtsinumbris, 2013

EKA arhitektuuriteaduskonna loengusarja 2013 kevadsemestri esinejad:
Sami Rintala_Rintala&Eggertsson_24.1
Kivi Sotamaa_ADDLab_7.2
Jaanika Peerna_28.2
Winka Dubbeldam_PennDesign / Archi-Tectonics_7.3
Bart Lootsma_Innsbruck University_21.3
Gert Wingårdh_Chalmers / Wingårdhs_4.4
Srdjan Weiss_NAO_18.4
Thibault Schwartz_HAL_2.5
Claudia Pasquero_ecoLogic Studio_16.5

Loengud on mõeldud kõigile tehiskeskkonna loomisega tegelevatele üliõpilastele ja sellega seotud erialade praktikutele ning avatud ka ruumikultuuri huviliste laiemale ringile.

Loengud on inglise keeles ning tasuta.
Loengusarja kodulehekülg:

Loengusarja toetavad Eesti Kultuurkapital, Kultuuriministeerium, LHV pank, Norra Suursaatkond, Rootsi Suursaatkond, USA Suursaatkond, Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium, Eesti Kunstiakadeemia. Loengute sari kuulub Teadusaasta ürituste hulka.

Loengusarja korraldab Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuriteaduskond.

Olete oodatud!

Anu Piirisild
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuriteaduskond
tel 642 0071

Postitas Gregor Taul — Püsilink

Avatud loeng / Open lecture: 2.mail – Thibault Schwartz – LHV saalis

Neljapäev 02 mai, 2013

EKA arhitektuuriteaduskonna avatud loengute sarjas esineb sel neljapäeval Thibault Schwartz – HAL
Loeng toimub 2.mail kell 19.00 LHV panga saalis (Tartu mnt 2)

Automating Design // Designing Automation”

Through a retrospective analysis of some of the personal research conducted during the last 3 years on algorithmic design and its limitations, this lecture focuses on the linguistic connections promoting human-machine collaborations and their application to architectural design. In addition to these personal projects, a part of this presentation will be dedicated to short-term results of computer programming and industrial robot programming courses conducted in various European architecture schools.


Thibault Schwartz is a young architect based in Paris. He explores the evolution of architectural design practices in relation to generative algorithms and automated fabrication processes. Working in close collaboration with EZCT Architecture & Design Research, he is currently developing several hardware and software tools for robot-assisted construction and design. The “HAL Robot Programming & Control” plugin for ABB robots programming via Grasshopper is part of these tools. Paying particular attention to the development of industrial manufacturing strategies applied to architectural projects, he is attached to a systematic prototyping exercise aiming to complete and evaluate digital experiments. As a teacher, he has been sharing the knowledge gained from these experiments in international events such as Advances in Architectural Geometry and RobArch, and in several European schools of architecture and design such as TU Wien (Wien), the Berlage Institute (Rotterdam), the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris-Malaquais (Paris), the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Création Industrielle (Paris), the Institut für Experimentelle Architektur (Innsbruck), and the Bartlett School of Architecture (London).
Töötuba Bartletti arhitektuurikoolis Londonis, pildil üliõpilaste kavandatud ja ehitatud võlvjas sõrestikkonstruktsioon. Thibault Schwartz, 2013.
Lisatud intervjuu Thibault Schwartz’ga Müürilehe märtsinumbris, 2013

EKA arhitektuuriteaduskonna loengusarja 2013 kevadsemestri esinejad:
Sami Rintala_Rintala&Eggertsson_24.1
Kivi Sotamaa_ADDLab_7.2
Jaanika Peerna_28.2
Winka Dubbeldam_PennDesign / Archi-Tectonics_7.3
Bart Lootsma_Innsbruck University_21.3
Gert Wingårdh_Chalmers / Wingårdhs_4.4
Srdjan Weiss_NAO_18.4
Thibault Schwartz_HAL_2.5
Claudia Pasquero_ecoLogic Studio_16.5

Loengud on mõeldud kõigile tehiskeskkonna loomisega tegelevatele üliõpilastele ja sellega seotud erialade praktikutele ning avatud ka ruumikultuuri huviliste laiemale ringile.

Loengud on inglise keeles ning tasuta.
Loengusarja kodulehekülg:

Loengusarja toetavad Eesti Kultuurkapital, Kultuuriministeerium, LHV pank, Norra Suursaatkond, Rootsi Suursaatkond, USA Suursaatkond, Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium, Eesti Kunstiakadeemia. Loengute sari kuulub Teadusaasta ürituste hulka.

Loengusarja korraldab Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuriteaduskond.

Olete oodatud!

Anu Piirisild
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuriteaduskond
tel 642 0071

Postitas Gregor Taul — Püsilink

25.04.2013 — 28.04.2013


Rahvusvaheline teaduskonverents



25.–28. aprillini toimuvad Tallinnas Telliskivi Loomelinnakus X Urbanistika ja linnamaastike päevad.  Rahvusvahelise teaduskonverentsi teemaks on tänavu sõjaarhitektuur ja militaarurbanistika.  Konverents toimub Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuriteaduskonna eestvedamisel ning on suunatud arhitektuuri, planeerimise, maastikuarhitektuuri, urbanistika ja kunsti professionaalidele ja huvilistele.

Tänavuse konverentsi teema tõstatatakse eesmärgiga, et arutleda ja kriitiliselt diskuteerida sõja majanduspoliitika ning sõjategevuse ja -tehnoloogia kandumise üle linnakeskkonda ning sõjaarhitektuuri pärandi üle – sh sõjaväebaasid, -kindlused, sõja- ja põgenikelaagrid – mis on paraku linnaplaneerimises ja arhitektuurivaldkonnas unarusse jäänud ulatuslik teema.

Vastuseks küsimusele, miks konverents just seda teemat käsitleb, vastavad korraldajad Maros Krivy ja Evelin Reimand järgnevalt: 

“Arhitektuur ja sõda on mõlemad väga ruumilised nähtused. Läbi ajaloo on otsene sõjategevus või võimalikuks sõjaks valmistumine toonud kaasa suuri muutusi selles, kuidas linnasid ehitatakse, kaitstakse ja kuidas neis elatakse. Tallinna vanalinna parkidega ümbritseva  bastionaalvööndi esialgne otstarvegi oli ju omal ajal linna vaenlase eest kaitsta. Millised linnad oleksid Narva või Berliin, kui neid ei oleks II Maailmasõja ajal maatasa pommitatud? Kuigi kaasaegne sõda toimub paljuski virtuaalselt, kajastuvad tulemused siiski füüsilises ruumis. Täna Lähis-Idas ja Korea poolsaarel toimuv hoiab teema värske ja aktuaalsena. “

Konverents pakub sisutihedaid loenguid, arutelusid ja debatte urbanistika teaduritele, arhitektuuriteoreetikutele ja -ajaloolastele, arhitektidele, poliitgeograafidele, sotsioloogidele ja teistele haakuvate erialade spetsialistidele  – nii teoreetikutele kui praktikutele.  Teooria ja praktika vaheliste seoste käsitlemiseks on konverentsi korraldajad kutsunud kõnelema mitmekülgse lektorite paneeli, kelle hulgas on nii teadusartiklite autoreid, kunstipraktikuid ja -uurijaid ning ebastandardseid esinejaid. 

Peakõnelejateks on Stephen Graham teemaga “Linnad rünnaku all: uus militaarurbanism” (Cities under siege: The new military urbanism) ja Steven Flusty, ettekandega “Piirdetarade reaalsuses” (In the realm of the fences).  Stephen Graham on Newcastle’i ülikooli arhitektuuriteaduskonna professor, keskendudes linnade ja ühiskonna valdkonna õpetamisele ning Steven Flusty on York’i ülikooli geograafia osakonna dotsent.

Urbanistika ja linnamaastike päevade kogu programm ja ettekannete abstraktid on leitavad internetis  

Konverents toimub inglise keeles.  Osalemine Eesti Kunstiakadeemia ja kohalike ülikoolide tudengitele ja õppejõududele ning kohalikele elanikele on tasuta, kuid toitlustus ning ekskursioon on eraldi tasu eest.  Soodustus kehtib vaid eelregistreerumise korral, link  

Urbanistika ja linnamaastike päevi toetavad Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, Eesti Kultuurkapital Euroopa Sotsiaalfond.



Stephen Graham is a professor of Cities and Society, Global Urban Research Unit, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape at Newcastle University. Professor Graham holds a Ph.D. in Science and Technology Policy, MA in Town and Country Planning and BA in Geography. He has worked as a professor of human geography at University of Durham, and has had roles in management there. He has been a lecturer in Newcastle University School of Architecture, and has given lectures as a full-time visiting professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He also has experience as an urban planner in Sheffield City Council.

Professor Graham’s research interests include intersections of urban and planning theory; the links between cities, infrastructure, technology, mobility and planning; the links between security, planning and cities; the geopolitical dimensions to urbanism and urban planning; the implications of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) for urban life and urban planning; and the social implications of digital surveillance. Professor Graham has been awarded various academic awards and is a member of a number of editorial boards of international journals and book series.


Steven Flusty is officially an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Geography at York University, but prefers to be referred to as the Scholar of Fortune. His research interests cover themes such as high, popular and banal (neo) imperial geopolitics, everyday material cultures of world city systems, hegemonic and alternative globalizations, past and present, necrogeography and cosmological landscapes, and spatialities of surveillant control.  

Professor Flusty is the author of Building Paranoia: The Proliferation of Interdictory Space and the Erosion of Spatial Justice (1994) and De-Coca-Colonization: Making the Globe from the Inside Out (2003). He has published several articles in various international journals, including Annals of the Association of American Geographers and Urban Geography and has been in the position of a referee for Blackwell Publishers, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space and Social and Cultural Geography.

Postitas Gregor Taul — Püsilink


Neljapäev 25 aprill, 2013 — Pühapäev 28 aprill, 2013

Rahvusvaheline teaduskonverents



25.–28. aprillini toimuvad Tallinnas Telliskivi Loomelinnakus X Urbanistika ja linnamaastike päevad.  Rahvusvahelise teaduskonverentsi teemaks on tänavu sõjaarhitektuur ja militaarurbanistika.  Konverents toimub Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuriteaduskonna eestvedamisel ning on suunatud arhitektuuri, planeerimise, maastikuarhitektuuri, urbanistika ja kunsti professionaalidele ja huvilistele.

Tänavuse konverentsi teema tõstatatakse eesmärgiga, et arutleda ja kriitiliselt diskuteerida sõja majanduspoliitika ning sõjategevuse ja -tehnoloogia kandumise üle linnakeskkonda ning sõjaarhitektuuri pärandi üle – sh sõjaväebaasid, -kindlused, sõja- ja põgenikelaagrid – mis on paraku linnaplaneerimises ja arhitektuurivaldkonnas unarusse jäänud ulatuslik teema.

Vastuseks küsimusele, miks konverents just seda teemat käsitleb, vastavad korraldajad Maros Krivy ja Evelin Reimand järgnevalt: 

“Arhitektuur ja sõda on mõlemad väga ruumilised nähtused. Läbi ajaloo on otsene sõjategevus või võimalikuks sõjaks valmistumine toonud kaasa suuri muutusi selles, kuidas linnasid ehitatakse, kaitstakse ja kuidas neis elatakse. Tallinna vanalinna parkidega ümbritseva  bastionaalvööndi esialgne otstarvegi oli ju omal ajal linna vaenlase eest kaitsta. Millised linnad oleksid Narva või Berliin, kui neid ei oleks II Maailmasõja ajal maatasa pommitatud? Kuigi kaasaegne sõda toimub paljuski virtuaalselt, kajastuvad tulemused siiski füüsilises ruumis. Täna Lähis-Idas ja Korea poolsaarel toimuv hoiab teema värske ja aktuaalsena. “

Konverents pakub sisutihedaid loenguid, arutelusid ja debatte urbanistika teaduritele, arhitektuuriteoreetikutele ja -ajaloolastele, arhitektidele, poliitgeograafidele, sotsioloogidele ja teistele haakuvate erialade spetsialistidele  – nii teoreetikutele kui praktikutele.  Teooria ja praktika vaheliste seoste käsitlemiseks on konverentsi korraldajad kutsunud kõnelema mitmekülgse lektorite paneeli, kelle hulgas on nii teadusartiklite autoreid, kunstipraktikuid ja -uurijaid ning ebastandardseid esinejaid. 

Peakõnelejateks on Stephen Graham teemaga “Linnad rünnaku all: uus militaarurbanism” (Cities under siege: The new military urbanism) ja Steven Flusty, ettekandega “Piirdetarade reaalsuses” (In the realm of the fences).  Stephen Graham on Newcastle’i ülikooli arhitektuuriteaduskonna professor, keskendudes linnade ja ühiskonna valdkonna õpetamisele ning Steven Flusty on York’i ülikooli geograafia osakonna dotsent.

Urbanistika ja linnamaastike päevade kogu programm ja ettekannete abstraktid on leitavad internetis  

Konverents toimub inglise keeles.  Osalemine Eesti Kunstiakadeemia ja kohalike ülikoolide tudengitele ja õppejõududele ning kohalikele elanikele on tasuta, kuid toitlustus ning ekskursioon on eraldi tasu eest.  Soodustus kehtib vaid eelregistreerumise korral, link  

Urbanistika ja linnamaastike päevi toetavad Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, Eesti Kultuurkapital Euroopa Sotsiaalfond.



Stephen Graham is a professor of Cities and Society, Global Urban Research Unit, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape at Newcastle University. Professor Graham holds a Ph.D. in Science and Technology Policy, MA in Town and Country Planning and BA in Geography. He has worked as a professor of human geography at University of Durham, and has had roles in management there. He has been a lecturer in Newcastle University School of Architecture, and has given lectures as a full-time visiting professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He also has experience as an urban planner in Sheffield City Council.

Professor Graham’s research interests include intersections of urban and planning theory; the links between cities, infrastructure, technology, mobility and planning; the links between security, planning and cities; the geopolitical dimensions to urbanism and urban planning; the implications of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) for urban life and urban planning; and the social implications of digital surveillance. Professor Graham has been awarded various academic awards and is a member of a number of editorial boards of international journals and book series.


Steven Flusty is officially an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Geography at York University, but prefers to be referred to as the Scholar of Fortune. His research interests cover themes such as high, popular and banal (neo) imperial geopolitics, everyday material cultures of world city systems, hegemonic and alternative globalizations, past and present, necrogeography and cosmological landscapes, and spatialities of surveillant control.  

Professor Flusty is the author of Building Paranoia: The Proliferation of Interdictory Space and the Erosion of Spatial Justice (1994) and De-Coca-Colonization: Making the Globe from the Inside Out (2003). He has published several articles in various international journals, including Annals of the Association of American Geographers and Urban Geography and has been in the position of a referee for Blackwell Publishers, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space and Social and Cultural Geography.

Postitas Gregor Taul — Püsilink

06.03.2013 — 19.03.2013

Urban Scenarios EKA G-s




(Please scroll down for English) 


Olete oodatud Eesti Kunstiakadeemia urbanistika osakonna 

ülevaatenäituse “Linnastsenaariumid” avamisele kolmapäeval, 6. märtsil 18:00, EKA G-s, Estonia pst 7 / Teatri väljak 1.

6. – 19. märtsini avatud näitus toob esile Eesti Kunstiakadeemia urbanistika eriala tudengite üheksa õppeaasta peamise tegevuse – linnaelu muutmiseks vajalike stsenaariumide kui visioonirikaste ettepanekute loomise linnas, linnale ja linlastele:

Sule silmad. Keskendu hingamisele. Kujutle ennast Lasnamäele aastal 2040.  Mida sa näed? Kortermajade hallus on asendunud värviliste fassaadidega. Kanalit ületavad paljud jalakäijate sillad, et anda Lasnamäe elanikele esialgu planeeritud võimalus liikuda maa peal autodest eraldatuna. 2000.-ndate alguses lõpuks kasvama hakanud haljastus annab kunagistes kõledates kivikoridorides tuule- ja päikesevarju. Paneelmajade esimesed korrused ja Laagna tee kanali seinad on täidetud väikeste kodupoodidega. Kunagiste mikrorajoonide põhjal on moodustatud asumiseltside võrgustik, kes korraldavad eriilmelisi piirkonnafestivale.  Elumajade vahele on ehitatud uudsed kontorihooned, mille katustele on rajatud linnaaiad ja mänguväljakud. 

Kunagi kampaania korras rajatud parklate asemel on ühistud loonud ühisauto kasutamise punktid ja vihmakindlad jalgrattaboksid. Seoses e-kaubanduse arenemisega on kaubanduskeskused muutunud tühjadeks  tondilossideks, millele otsitakse uut rakendust. Kas sinna tuleks rajada popid korterid? Või hoopis hõljukrula keskus? Mida Sina, kui urbanist ja linnastsenaariumite kavandaja, sellele lisaksid? Mida teeksid teisiti? 

Urbanistika õppekava toetub enamasti just eelpool kirjeldatud ettepanekuid, stsenaariume ja programme sisaldavatele ülesannetele: alates regioone hõlmavate visioonidest, lõpetades krunte puudutavate detailplaneeringute ja füüsiliste sekkumistega linnaruumis. Käesolev näitus annab vaatajatele võimaluse heita pilgu nii urbanistika tudengite töömeetoditele kui sellele, millega urbanistid pärast EKA lõpetamist tegelema hakkavad. 

Näituse kuraator on Kaur Sarv.

Näituse raames toimub urbanistika-alane vestlusring, mille toimumisaja kohta teavitame jooksvalt. Näitus jääb avatuks 19. märtsini. EKA G on avatud esmaspäevast reedeni 9:00 – 17:30.

Üritus Facebookis: 


Gregor Taul
GaleristEKA G
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia
Estonia pst 7/Teatri väljak 1
Tallinn 10143
Tel +372 6 267 111
Mob +372 55 690 456





We kindly invite you to the vernissage of “Urban Scenarios” on Wednesday, March 6 at 6 p.m in EKA G, Estonia pst 7 / Teatri väljak 1, Tallinn. 

The exhibition aims to present the main task of Urban Studies students in the Estonian Academy of Arts. Already for nine years they have made suggestions to change urban environments and to create scenarios for cities and citizens. 

Students of Urban Studies are often approached with a question: “What are you doing and what are you going to do when you graduate?” Designing scenarios and creating programmes are main tasks in the Urban Studies curriculum. Starting from socio-economic visions for larger regions down to detail plans for plots and physical interventions in the city. Current exhibition will give you an insight to possible professional outcomes for urbanists.

Curated by Kaur Sarv

The exhibition will close on March 19th. EKA G is open from Monday to Friday 9:00 – 17:30.

Further information:

Gregor Taul
GalleristEKA G
Estonian Academy of Arts
Estonia pst 7/Teatri väljak 1
Tallinn 10143
+372 6 267 111
+372 55 690 456

Postitas Gregor Taul — Püsilink

Urban Scenarios EKA G-s

Kolmapäev 06 märts, 2013 — Teisipäev 19 märts, 2013




(Please scroll down for English) 


Olete oodatud Eesti Kunstiakadeemia urbanistika osakonna 

ülevaatenäituse “Linnastsenaariumid” avamisele kolmapäeval, 6. märtsil 18:00, EKA G-s, Estonia pst 7 / Teatri väljak 1.

6. – 19. märtsini avatud näitus toob esile Eesti Kunstiakadeemia urbanistika eriala tudengite üheksa õppeaasta peamise tegevuse – linnaelu muutmiseks vajalike stsenaariumide kui visioonirikaste ettepanekute loomise linnas, linnale ja linlastele:

Sule silmad. Keskendu hingamisele. Kujutle ennast Lasnamäele aastal 2040.  Mida sa näed? Kortermajade hallus on asendunud värviliste fassaadidega. Kanalit ületavad paljud jalakäijate sillad, et anda Lasnamäe elanikele esialgu planeeritud võimalus liikuda maa peal autodest eraldatuna. 2000.-ndate alguses lõpuks kasvama hakanud haljastus annab kunagistes kõledates kivikoridorides tuule- ja päikesevarju. Paneelmajade esimesed korrused ja Laagna tee kanali seinad on täidetud väikeste kodupoodidega. Kunagiste mikrorajoonide põhjal on moodustatud asumiseltside võrgustik, kes korraldavad eriilmelisi piirkonnafestivale.  Elumajade vahele on ehitatud uudsed kontorihooned, mille katustele on rajatud linnaaiad ja mänguväljakud. 

Kunagi kampaania korras rajatud parklate asemel on ühistud loonud ühisauto kasutamise punktid ja vihmakindlad jalgrattaboksid. Seoses e-kaubanduse arenemisega on kaubanduskeskused muutunud tühjadeks  tondilossideks, millele otsitakse uut rakendust. Kas sinna tuleks rajada popid korterid? Või hoopis hõljukrula keskus? Mida Sina, kui urbanist ja linnastsenaariumite kavandaja, sellele lisaksid? Mida teeksid teisiti? 

Urbanistika õppekava toetub enamasti just eelpool kirjeldatud ettepanekuid, stsenaariume ja programme sisaldavatele ülesannetele: alates regioone hõlmavate visioonidest, lõpetades krunte puudutavate detailplaneeringute ja füüsiliste sekkumistega linnaruumis. Käesolev näitus annab vaatajatele võimaluse heita pilgu nii urbanistika tudengite töömeetoditele kui sellele, millega urbanistid pärast EKA lõpetamist tegelema hakkavad. 

Näituse kuraator on Kaur Sarv.

Näituse raames toimub urbanistika-alane vestlusring, mille toimumisaja kohta teavitame jooksvalt. Näitus jääb avatuks 19. märtsini. EKA G on avatud esmaspäevast reedeni 9:00 – 17:30.

Üritus Facebookis: 


Gregor Taul
GaleristEKA G
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia
Estonia pst 7/Teatri väljak 1
Tallinn 10143
Tel +372 6 267 111
Mob +372 55 690 456





We kindly invite you to the vernissage of “Urban Scenarios” on Wednesday, March 6 at 6 p.m in EKA G, Estonia pst 7 / Teatri väljak 1, Tallinn. 

The exhibition aims to present the main task of Urban Studies students in the Estonian Academy of Arts. Already for nine years they have made suggestions to change urban environments and to create scenarios for cities and citizens. 

Students of Urban Studies are often approached with a question: “What are you doing and what are you going to do when you graduate?” Designing scenarios and creating programmes are main tasks in the Urban Studies curriculum. Starting from socio-economic visions for larger regions down to detail plans for plots and physical interventions in the city. Current exhibition will give you an insight to possible professional outcomes for urbanists.

Curated by Kaur Sarv

The exhibition will close on March 19th. EKA G is open from Monday to Friday 9:00 – 17:30.

Further information:

Gregor Taul
GalleristEKA G
Estonian Academy of Arts
Estonia pst 7/Teatri väljak 1
Tallinn 10143
+372 6 267 111
+372 55 690 456

Postitas Gregor Taul — Püsilink