Rubriik: Erialad


EKA Disainiteaduskonna krokii

krokii R 04.04.2014 Karl Markus

R on EKA Disainiteaduskonna joonistusstuudio krokii modelliks Karl Markus.

Postitas Ülle Marks — Püsilink

EKA Disainiteaduskonna krokii

Reede 04 aprill, 2014

krokii R 04.04.2014 Karl Markus

R on EKA Disainiteaduskonna joonistusstuudio krokii modelliks Karl Markus.

Postitas Ülle Marks — Püsilink


EKA Disainiteaduskonna krokii

krokii Nikolai N, 03, apr 2014

N on EKA Disainiteaduskonna joonistusstuudios krokii modelliks Nikolai.

Postitas Ülle Marks — Püsilink

EKA Disainiteaduskonna krokii

Neljapäev 03 aprill, 2014

krokii Nikolai N, 03, apr 2014

N on EKA Disainiteaduskonna joonistusstuudios krokii modelliks Nikolai.

Postitas Ülle Marks — Püsilink


EKA Disainiteaduskonna krokii

R krokii 28.03. 2014 Sergei 2

KROKII EKA Disainiteaduskonna joonistusstuudios.

Modelliks on Sergei.

Vt ka meie fb albumist “Joon ütleb rohkem kui jutt”

Postitas Ülle Marks — Püsilink

EKA Disainiteaduskonna krokii

Reede 28 märts, 2014

R krokii 28.03. 2014 Sergei 2

KROKII EKA Disainiteaduskonna joonistusstuudios.

Modelliks on Sergei.

Vt ka meie fb albumist “Joon ütleb rohkem kui jutt”

Postitas Ülle Marks — Püsilink


EKA Disainiteaduskonna krokii

N 20.03.2014.jpgkrokii Natalja

KROKII EKA Disainiteaduskonna joonistusstuudios.

Modelliks on Natalja.

Vt ka meie fb albumist “Joon ütleb rohkem kui jutt”

Postitas Ülle Marks — Püsilink

EKA Disainiteaduskonna krokii

Neljapäev 27 märts, 2014

N 20.03.2014.jpgkrokii Natalja

KROKII EKA Disainiteaduskonna joonistusstuudios.

Modelliks on Natalja.

Vt ka meie fb albumist “Joon ütleb rohkem kui jutt”

Postitas Ülle Marks — Püsilink


DORA ja kristjan jaagu mobiilsustoetuste infotund

Lisa sisutekst

Postitas Triin Piip — Püsilink

DORA ja kristjan jaagu mobiilsustoetuste infotund

Esmaspäev 14 aprill, 2014

Lisa sisutekst

Postitas Triin Piip — Püsilink

20.03.2014 — 23.05.2014

mida õpetada? kuidas õpetada? miks õpetada?


Kunstihariduse osakonna avatud seminarid kõigile huvilistele, eelkõige aga neile, kes kaaluvad kunstiõpetaja magistriõppekavale õppima tulemist.

Seminarid toimuvad Suur-Kloostri 11- 303 kell 15.00-16.30: 

20. märtsil Anneli Porri ja Kunstiteose analüüsi didaktika

11. aprillil Merike Rehepapp ja disainididaktika

25. aprillil Anu Purre ja muuseumipedagoogiline didaktika

23. mail Edna Vahter ja kunstididaktika

Postitas Annely Köster — Püsilink

mida õpetada? kuidas õpetada? miks õpetada?

Neljapäev 20 märts, 2014 — Reede 23 mai, 2014


Kunstihariduse osakonna avatud seminarid kõigile huvilistele, eelkõige aga neile, kes kaaluvad kunstiõpetaja magistriõppekavale õppima tulemist.

Seminarid toimuvad Suur-Kloostri 11- 303 kell 15.00-16.30: 

20. märtsil Anneli Porri ja Kunstiteose analüüsi didaktika

11. aprillil Merike Rehepapp ja disainididaktika

25. aprillil Anu Purre ja muuseumipedagoogiline didaktika

23. mail Edna Vahter ja kunstididaktika

Postitas Annely Köster — Püsilink

14.05.2014 — 18.05.2014

rode imaging event

FLAYER (EKA kodukale.eng)

The retable of St Nicholas’ Church in Tallinn is one of the most magnificent and best preserved late medieval Northern German altarpieces in Europe. The artwork was commissioned from the workshop of the Lübeck master Hermen Rode and was completed between 1478 and 1481. More than forty saints and biblical figures are depicted in the retable and its dimensions place it among the largest retables from the 15th-century Hanseatic cities. The conservation of the high altar of St Nicholas’ Church took place from 1975 to 1992 and was lead by Nikolai Bregman, the leading restorer then in Soviet Union from Moscow. Although majority of the restoration was accomplished, the elaborate sculptures of the retable have only partly been conserved by today. 

The large-scale project initiated by Art Museum of Estonia is focused on the finalizing the conservation works of the altarpiece. The conservation project gives an excellent opportunity to carry out thorough technical research, to compare the results with other works attributed to Hermen Rode and to put the information in a wider context.


  • Wed, May 14 : eCult Dialogue Day
  • Thurs, May 15: Rode Imaging Seminar
  • Fri, May 16: Rode Imaging Workshop
  • Sat, Sun, May 17,18: Rode Imaging Hackathon


  • May 14: Art Museum of Estonia / KUMU
  • May 15-18: St. Nicholas’ Church, Tallinn, Estonia

Confirmed Speakers

  • Andres Uueni / The Foundation of Estonian Open Air Museum, Conservation Centre Kanut
  • Dr Antonino Cosentino / Independent Scholar at Cultural Heritage Science Open Source
  • Dr Graeme Earl / Senior Lectures at ACRG, University of Southampton
  • James Miles / PhD student at ACRG, University of Southampton
  • Hembo Pagi / Researcher at ACRG, University of Southampton / MTÜ Arheovisioon
  • Dr Kathryn Piquette / Researcher at Cologne Center for eHumanities
  • Dr Matteo Dellepiane / Researcher at Visual Computing Lab, ISTI- CNR Pisa
  • Valeria Vitale / PhD student at Kings College London

Programme managers

Dr Hilkka Hiiop (Art Museum of Estonia / Estonian Art Academy)

Hembo Pagi (MTÜ Arheovisoon / University of Southampton)

Andres Uueni (SA Eesti Vabaõhumuuseum / Ennistuskoda “Kanut”)

About the event

In order to bring together, contextualise and visualize the information received by means of technical and / or art historical research, there is a plan to unify data sources into one documentation format using the modern imaging technologies.

The Rode altar, which is huge in size (approx. 6 x 3.5 meters), combines two-and three-dimensional art (paintings, sculptures, plaques, and polychrome objects), and can be exhibited at various positions. The altar provides an excellent opportunity for the wider analysis of complex objects documenting and mapping information. Workshop brings together several cultural heritage documentation specialists dealing with the know-how and will consider available opportunities and the effectiveness of different methods.

Complex objects (e.g. Rode altar) and ICT solutions available are unique possibility to implement different technologies into the modern museums to provide new level research possibilities and user experience. This case study about the research methods and ICT technologies can be adapted in the future as well, regarding museum objects, needs and visions. 

Seminar, workshop and hackathon providing hands-on experience on the cultural heritage data, targeting producing and managing 2D and 3D documentation for cultural heritage purposes including the related visualization tools for public use. The event will base on data gathered during the Rode altar scientific research, analysis and documentation process.

The purpose of the hackathon is to establish an effective prototype for a new way of experiencing and sharing scientific information, using free and open source software.

Koduleht ja registreerumine 

Postitas Triin Piip — Püsilink

rode imaging event

Kolmapäev 14 mai, 2014 — Pühapäev 18 mai, 2014

FLAYER (EKA kodukale.eng)

The retable of St Nicholas’ Church in Tallinn is one of the most magnificent and best preserved late medieval Northern German altarpieces in Europe. The artwork was commissioned from the workshop of the Lübeck master Hermen Rode and was completed between 1478 and 1481. More than forty saints and biblical figures are depicted in the retable and its dimensions place it among the largest retables from the 15th-century Hanseatic cities. The conservation of the high altar of St Nicholas’ Church took place from 1975 to 1992 and was lead by Nikolai Bregman, the leading restorer then in Soviet Union from Moscow. Although majority of the restoration was accomplished, the elaborate sculptures of the retable have only partly been conserved by today. 

The large-scale project initiated by Art Museum of Estonia is focused on the finalizing the conservation works of the altarpiece. The conservation project gives an excellent opportunity to carry out thorough technical research, to compare the results with other works attributed to Hermen Rode and to put the information in a wider context.


  • Wed, May 14 : eCult Dialogue Day
  • Thurs, May 15: Rode Imaging Seminar
  • Fri, May 16: Rode Imaging Workshop
  • Sat, Sun, May 17,18: Rode Imaging Hackathon


  • May 14: Art Museum of Estonia / KUMU
  • May 15-18: St. Nicholas’ Church, Tallinn, Estonia

Confirmed Speakers

  • Andres Uueni / The Foundation of Estonian Open Air Museum, Conservation Centre Kanut
  • Dr Antonino Cosentino / Independent Scholar at Cultural Heritage Science Open Source
  • Dr Graeme Earl / Senior Lectures at ACRG, University of Southampton
  • James Miles / PhD student at ACRG, University of Southampton
  • Hembo Pagi / Researcher at ACRG, University of Southampton / MTÜ Arheovisioon
  • Dr Kathryn Piquette / Researcher at Cologne Center for eHumanities
  • Dr Matteo Dellepiane / Researcher at Visual Computing Lab, ISTI- CNR Pisa
  • Valeria Vitale / PhD student at Kings College London

Programme managers

Dr Hilkka Hiiop (Art Museum of Estonia / Estonian Art Academy)

Hembo Pagi (MTÜ Arheovisoon / University of Southampton)

Andres Uueni (SA Eesti Vabaõhumuuseum / Ennistuskoda “Kanut”)

About the event

In order to bring together, contextualise and visualize the information received by means of technical and / or art historical research, there is a plan to unify data sources into one documentation format using the modern imaging technologies.

The Rode altar, which is huge in size (approx. 6 x 3.5 meters), combines two-and three-dimensional art (paintings, sculptures, plaques, and polychrome objects), and can be exhibited at various positions. The altar provides an excellent opportunity for the wider analysis of complex objects documenting and mapping information. Workshop brings together several cultural heritage documentation specialists dealing with the know-how and will consider available opportunities and the effectiveness of different methods.

Complex objects (e.g. Rode altar) and ICT solutions available are unique possibility to implement different technologies into the modern museums to provide new level research possibilities and user experience. This case study about the research methods and ICT technologies can be adapted in the future as well, regarding museum objects, needs and visions. 

Seminar, workshop and hackathon providing hands-on experience on the cultural heritage data, targeting producing and managing 2D and 3D documentation for cultural heritage purposes including the related visualization tools for public use. The event will base on data gathered during the Rode altar scientific research, analysis and documentation process.

The purpose of the hackathon is to establish an effective prototype for a new way of experiencing and sharing scientific information, using free and open source software.

Koduleht ja registreerumine 

Postitas Triin Piip — Püsilink


EKA Disainiteaduskonna krokii

krokii 21.03.2014 Neoburlesk

R toimub krokii EKA Disainiteaduskonna joonistusstuudios. Neoburlesk.

Modelliks on Chrissy Kiss. 

Vt ka meie fb albumist

Postitas Ülle Marks — Püsilink

EKA Disainiteaduskonna krokii

Reede 21 märts, 2014

krokii 21.03.2014 Neoburlesk

R toimub krokii EKA Disainiteaduskonna joonistusstuudios. Neoburlesk.

Modelliks on Chrissy Kiss. 

Vt ka meie fb albumist

Postitas Ülle Marks — Püsilink


EKA Disainiteaduskonna krokii

N 20.03.2014.jpgkrokii Natalja

N toimub krokii EKA Disainiteaduskonna joonistusstuudios. Modelliks on Natalja.

Postitas Ülle Marks — Püsilink

EKA Disainiteaduskonna krokii

Neljapäev 20 märts, 2014

N 20.03.2014.jpgkrokii Natalja

N toimub krokii EKA Disainiteaduskonna joonistusstuudios. Modelliks on Natalja.

Postitas Ülle Marks — Püsilink


Kunsti ja disaini eriala doktorant varvara guljajeva doktoritöö juurde kuuluva loometöö eelretsenseerimine

Käesoleva nädala kolmapäeval, 19.03.2014.a algusega kell 16.00 toimub Disaini- ja arhitektuurigaleriis (Pärnu mnt 6) kunsti ja disaini eriala doktorant Varvara Guljajeva doktoritöö “Unaware Participation in Art” juurde kuuluva installatsiooni “Reisiv kala” (“A Travelling Fish”) eelretsenseerimine. 

Väitekirja juhendaja on prof dr Raivo Kelomees.
Näituse eelretsensendid on dr Heie Treier ja Veronika Valk 
Olete oodatud kuulama!

A Traveling Fish 

Art Installation 

Varvara Guljajeva & Mar Canet

Description and Concept

What if a fish could surf the Internet? What if a fish could travel through a city?

Taking into account the digital age paradigm that allows us to travel the world without leaving our living room or an office, we aim to allow a fish to do the same: to travel through various cities without leaving its aquarium. Hence, the audience are confronted with the familiar Google street view but from the perspective of fish and its navigation will. It means the center of artwork’s interaction is a fish and not a spectator. Instead the audience are invited to follow the immersive journey of a fish.

Moreover, since a fish lives in water, all the street views will be under the water. Hence, the audience will be able to discover familiar or discover new places but under the water and from the perspective and a will of a fish.

The idea is to make use of fishes’ traveling nature and twist it in the sense of digital age. Continuing with the point of information era, we are relating to the ideas of Marc Auge, who argues about excess of space, time, and ego nowadays. The artwork aims to demonstrate that even a fish is able to travel and be present in number of places. Thus, it will excess its ego, space and time similarly to people.

In addition to that, it is curious to relate to the famous quote and cartoon by Peter Steiner: on the internet, nobody knows you are a dog. Only in our case everyone will know that it is a fish, who is on internet and on Google street view. 

Regarding my research topic, which is unaware participation, through this installation I aim to explore how the day-to-day behavior of a fish could be applied for artistic purposes. Of course, whether a fish is aware or not of its role in the artwork is arguable.

Postitas Triin Piip — Püsilink

Kunsti ja disaini eriala doktorant varvara guljajeva doktoritöö juurde kuuluva loometöö eelretsenseerimine

Kolmapäev 19 märts, 2014

Käesoleva nädala kolmapäeval, 19.03.2014.a algusega kell 16.00 toimub Disaini- ja arhitektuurigaleriis (Pärnu mnt 6) kunsti ja disaini eriala doktorant Varvara Guljajeva doktoritöö “Unaware Participation in Art” juurde kuuluva installatsiooni “Reisiv kala” (“A Travelling Fish”) eelretsenseerimine. 

Väitekirja juhendaja on prof dr Raivo Kelomees.
Näituse eelretsensendid on dr Heie Treier ja Veronika Valk 
Olete oodatud kuulama!

A Traveling Fish 

Art Installation 

Varvara Guljajeva & Mar Canet

Description and Concept

What if a fish could surf the Internet? What if a fish could travel through a city?

Taking into account the digital age paradigm that allows us to travel the world without leaving our living room or an office, we aim to allow a fish to do the same: to travel through various cities without leaving its aquarium. Hence, the audience are confronted with the familiar Google street view but from the perspective of fish and its navigation will. It means the center of artwork’s interaction is a fish and not a spectator. Instead the audience are invited to follow the immersive journey of a fish.

Moreover, since a fish lives in water, all the street views will be under the water. Hence, the audience will be able to discover familiar or discover new places but under the water and from the perspective and a will of a fish.

The idea is to make use of fishes’ traveling nature and twist it in the sense of digital age. Continuing with the point of information era, we are relating to the ideas of Marc Auge, who argues about excess of space, time, and ego nowadays. The artwork aims to demonstrate that even a fish is able to travel and be present in number of places. Thus, it will excess its ego, space and time similarly to people.

In addition to that, it is curious to relate to the famous quote and cartoon by Peter Steiner: on the internet, nobody knows you are a dog. Only in our case everyone will know that it is a fish, who is on internet and on Google street view. 

Regarding my research topic, which is unaware participation, through this installation I aim to explore how the day-to-day behavior of a fish could be applied for artistic purposes. Of course, whether a fish is aware or not of its role in the artwork is arguable.

Postitas Triin Piip — Püsilink