Praktika Manifestal

EKA tudengitel on võimalik kandideerida praktikakohale Manifestal. (Kuulutuse täistekst inglisekeelsena allpool).
Kui Manifesta peaks värbama mõne tudengi ka oma peakontorisse Hollandis vähemalt kolmeks kuuks, on võimalik taotleda ERASMUS stipendiumi 400 EUR kuus (millele lisandub reisitoetus 300 EUR) juhul, kui erialaosakond seda õpingute seisukohalt vajalikuks peab.

Praktika Peterburis ei ole tasustatav ning stipendiumi seal praktika läbiviimiseks EKA poolt ette nähtud ei ole.

Korraldajapoolset konkursi tähtaega on pikendatud 31. maini 2014.
ERASMUS praktika vormistamise dokumendid on siin.

Manifesta kohta saab küsida lisainformatsiooni lisaks korraldajale ka Kaasaegse Kunsti Eesti Keskusest Rebeka Põldsamilt.


Profile Internship placements for Manifesta 10
Manifesta 10
Manifesta, the European Biennial of Contemporary Art, is one of the most influential Contemporary Art Biennials. As the only roving biennial Manifesta changes its location every two years aiming to investigate and reflect on current developments in contemporary art. Previous editions of the Manifesta Biennial have taken place in Rotterdam (Manifesta 1, 1996), Luxembourg (Manifesta 2, 1998), Ljubljana (Manifesta 3, 2000), Frankfurt (Manifesta 4, 2002), San Sebastian (Manifesta 5, 2004), Nicosia (Manifesta 6, 2006 cancelled) Trentino – South Tyrol (Manifesta 7, 2008), Murcia (Manifesta 8, 2010) and Genk, Belgium (Manifesta 9, 2012). In 2014 Manifesta goes back to its origins as a cultural bridge between the West and the East. By choosing St. Petersburg and the State Hermitage Museum as main collaborators for Manifesta 10, the Biennial ventures beyond Europe’s borders for the first time. Manifesta is interested in exploring the potential of European dialogue and aspires to provide a moving platform for experimentation to artists and professionals who might otherwise have limited access to the dominant centres of contemporary art. At the same time, Manifesta wishes to raise historical consciousness in the region where it is hosted and to encourage awareness on the role of contemporary art in today’s society. In its previous editions, Manifesta has involved prominent artists, curators, young professionals and trainees from as many as 40 different countries allowing them to take part in a unique project, to collaborate with internationally renowned professionals and to gain precious knowledge and experience in the domains of curatorship, art practice as well as cultural management. Manifesta strongly invests in capacity building and professionalization of the cultural operators in the area where it takes place and every two years transfers its knowledge and network to a new local team through dedicated workshops and seminars. Furthermore, Manifesta proudly invests in its Education
Programme, which contributes significantly to the overall success, image and understanding of every edition of the Manifesta Biennial, providing the host region with a structure for education, academic research and professional training.
Manifesta 10 Education
Manifesta 10 in St Petersburg, Russia is a large-scale exhibition and an education programme rooted in the local communities but also establishes nodes of activity beyond the site of the biennial.
The education programme creates a platform for multiple perspectives to be valued and shared, creating a space for exchange and dialogue. A programme of special education initiatives will be farreaching in terms of engaging existing audiences but also developing new audiences to contemporary art through collaborative projects, talks, workshops, tours and digital platforms. This programme is developed in dialogue with artists and specific target groups.
Manifesta 10 Audience Development
Audience development, as part of the education department for Manifesta, plays a key role in acquiring new audiences for contemporary art and is among the main aims of Manifesta’s activities. The Audience Development for Manifesta is all about reaching out towards a wider audience than only the professional ‘biennial audiences’. Therefore Manifesta declares to lower the thresholds by organising outreach initiatives to develop new audiences and seeking under-represented groups, nevertheless it is also about strengthening and deepening relationships within existing biennial audiences.
Manifesta 10 office
Kazanskaya Str. 7A, of. 1-2
191186 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Phone: +7 812 416 13 10
m a n i f e s t a . o r g E-mail:
Profile Internship placements for Manifesta 10
Project descriptions
Below you can find several project descriptions that are available for an internship placement.
Manifesta 10 On Board
Reaching beyond the borders of St. Petersburg, Manifesta 10 On Board: From A to B and back again is a program generated in collaboration with a group of cultural institutions in the Nordic and Baltic regions. This “floating seminar” points literally to the fluidity of borderlines and provides a concentrated space for dialogue and exchange between art professionals and art students. The program begins on board the St. Peter Line ferry in Helsinki and is followed by a program of events within the main venues of the Biennial at the State Hermitage Museum and at various cultural organizations across St. Petersburg.
The Manifesta 10 On Board will take place from Tuesday, October 7, 2014 to Saturday, October 11, 2014.
Required internship period: To be negotiated. Preferable from 2 June until 11 October 2014.
Manifesta 10 Dacha
Manifesta 10 is coming to your doorstep. This summer Manifesta 10 will pop up at many events in St. Petersburg including town squares, festivals, and community centers both in the city and further afield.
The Manifesta Dacha is the mobile platform of the Manifesta 10 Education department and there is always something going on in and around it, including workshops, interventions, discussions, and much more… Surprise yourself and see your neighborhood from another point of view! The Manifesta 10 Dacha will take place from 1 July until 31 October 2014
Required internship period: 16 June until 13 September 2014.
InsideOut workshops & direct marketing
Local artists and mediators venture out of the museum to bring Manifesta 10 to different districts and
local communities of St. Petersburg. Outside the Biennial venues but inside the community of St.
Petersburg. The Inside Out workshops will focus on introducing Manifesta 10 to local community
groups in the city of St. Petersburg.
The direct marketing actions are a pro-active approach where we personally invite international,
national, regional and local organisations to Manifesta 10 via email and telephone.
The InsideOut workshops will take place from 22 July until 31 October.
Required internship period: 2 June until 31 August 2014.
Manifesta 10 office
Kazanskaya Str. 7A, of. 1-2
191186 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Phone: +7 812 416 13 10
m a n i f e s t a . o r g E-mail:
Manifesta 10 Nights (Evening Programme of Manifesta 10) in the General Staff Building of the State
Manifesta 10 Nights is a series of evening events in the General Staff Building of the State Hermitage
during the Manifesta 10 Biennial. Manifesta 10 Nights is an evening programme to engage the
emerging generation interested in contemporary culture from St. Petersburg with the State Hermitage
Museum and create a more social atmosphere to enjoy the biennial. The programme will be
complemented by alternative tours, film screenings , live performances and workshops. Evening
programme Manifests 10 be developed jointly with the Youth Educational Center of the State
Hermitage and the Curator of Public Programme.
Dates: August 27, September 24, October 29, 2014
Required internship period: to be negotiated
Manifesta 10 Dialogues
The “Manifesta 10 Dialogues” are part of the Manifesta 10 Biennial’s advanced educational program,
which will be held at different venues across St. Petersburg from November 2013 to October 2014.
The second part of the program aims at investigating Manifesta Biennial’s history throughout a series
of ten lectures dealing with a specific topic. Curators, critics, contemporary art theorists, and artists
will discuss a theme and extend it to the context of Manifesta 10 in St. Petersburg.
A central purpose is an impetus to start a dialogue within St. Petersburg and the opportunity for the
audience to formulate their own opinions about contemporary art and its role in society and never as
an end in itself.
Required internship period: to be negotiated
Primary responsibilities
• Support the Manifesta 10 Education team in delivering the education programme within the
State Hermitage and the city of St Petersburg.
• Developing programming ideas for Manifesta Nights to be realised through the summer
• Assist the Education Coordinator and the Education Assistant on the delivery of the Manifesta
Dialogues and Manifesta Nights
• Assist the Audience Development Coordinator and the Audience Development Assistant on
the delivery of the InsideOut workshops, Manifesta Dacha and Manifesta 10 On Board
• Assist artists and mediators with InsideOut and Dacha workshops in the local community of St
• Creating awareness about Manifesta 10 Nights through creating participative projects using
social media
• Reporting on the education activities via social media and the Education blog.
• Inform cultural groups, schools and universities about the Manifesta 10 On Board program.
• Develop a visiting program in Helsinki and St. Petersburg for the Manifesta 10 On Board
• Assisting in the direct marketing and audience development to specific target groups.
• Assisting in translating text materials.
• Technical support in setting up the education and audience development activities.
Manifesta 10 office
Kazanskaya Str. 7A, of. 1-2
191186 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Phone: +7 812 416 13 10
m a n i f e s t a . o r g E-mail:
Required skills and experience:
• A good knowledge of contemporary visual art
• Ability to work as part of a team and able to demonstrate ability to work independently
• A good understanding of engaging the public with cultural events
• Genuine enthusiasm for promoting participation in cultural events
• Working knowledge of Microsoft Office and social media tools such as Facebook, Instagram,
Working location:
Manifesta 10 Office
Kazanskaya st. 7, offices 1-2
St Petersburg,
More information on Manifesta 10 Education Programme:
Please submit your letter of motivation and CV to before May, 31 2014